Saturday, August 7, 2010

Servers Retreat, 2010

St. Basil the Great Eastern Catholic Church hosts an annual for Altar Servers on the rubrics for serving the Divine Liturgy in the Ruthenian tradition. We always head out to a religious place, and this year we went to a Carmel named St. Joseph's in the hills east of San Jose. The below is looking out west towards San Jose.

The Carmelites there had two Reliquary walls facing each other. One Wall was of non-Carmelites, the other was of Camelite Saints and Blessed. Was only able to get an image of the Non-Carmelite one.

A view of the Chapel.

Reid-Hillview Airport, Lake Cunningham, and Raging Waters.

Learning how to prepare for the Divine Liturgy.

The Prosphora, the Bread that will become the Eucharist after it is confected by the Priest.

The Altar of a Byzantine Church. It is behind an ikonostasis, or a wall of Icons.

The vestments of the Priest laid out.

The Proskomedie, a table of preparation. The Proskmedia is an Office of Oblation done here in preparation for the Divine Liturgy.

Great Vespers for the Forefeast of the Procession of the Precious and Life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Prostrations at Great Vespers.
Some time was made for some fun. For this retreat, we had a Pizza Dinner, and then on to bowling!

Here a Server tries bowling for the very first time...

And he gets a Strike!

And there was much happiness and rejoicing!

hey everybody, let's bring back Disco! Hey, stop throwing things at me!

Father and sons. A fine retreat, and Divine Liturgy the next morning.